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How to beautifully package your homemade baking with minimal effort!


You’re headed to a friend’s place for dinner. Besides wine and / or flowers, you’d also like to bring something homemade to show your appreciation – like some baking, if you bake; or handmade soaps or bath bombs or even candles. Whatever it is that you’ve made, you want it presented in the best light possible.

Since I bake, I like to bring bake goods as part of my hostess gift, something that my friend and her family can enjoy the day after, either with coffee or as a dessert. Cookies are my favorite treats to bring – because who doesn’t like cookies, right? But they could be yummy square or bars, perhaps muffins, donuts or even no-bake treats like hot chocolate bombs. The problem is not in the baking, but in finding the perfect container to present my gift in. The operative word is GIFT. Problem is, my options were limited and none were perfect:

Plastic Disposable Containers

I hate plastic disposable containers – from the Ziplock / Glad / Tupperware kind to the clear hinged-kind. I don’t like the former because no matter now nicely I try to place my treats in them, they always make my treats look like I’m packing away leftovers! Not only that, it’s so cringy when I get asked if I want my container back. I want to say, “No! It’s a gift” (Although I know full well that it looks far from gift-like) AWKWARD! And don’t get me started on those clear clam-shell hinged-kind. Those make my treats look like I purchase them from the grocery store and tried to pass them off as homemade. Then there are cookie tins…

Cookie Tins

I hate cookie tins even more than I hate plastic disposable containers. While cookie tins are practical, they remind me of containers that my Aunt Betsy’s packages her baking in at Christmas time. We’d open her gifts to find chipped and broken cookies, with cookie crumbles lining the bottom of the tin. I feel so bad for her. I know she baked them with love but the presentation was lacking big-time. Also, those tins aren’t cheap. Even at the Dollar Store, they’re still running her between $3-5 a tin! Despite the fact that they’re tacky and unattractive, I can’t bring myself to throw them away and add to the landfill. Problem is, I’d never use them either. So they sit stacked in the back of my pantry gathering dust.

The Dinner Plate

I actually don’t mind presenting my cookies on a dinner plate however it’s the awkwardness that always happens at the end of the evening that makes me not want to use dinner plates.

Has this happened to you? The evening’s over and it’s time to go home. You’re donning your coat and suddenly your friend goes, “Oh my gosh! Your plate!”. She rushes to the kitchen, with you in tow, to find a container for the cookies you brought. Because she’s rushing, she literally dumps the cookies (which you so lovingly placed on the plate for that perfect presentation) into a (God-forbid) plastic disposable container of the Ziplock kind! Then proceeds to wash and dry the plate frantically while you repeatedly say, “No, No, No need to wash it. I’ll take it as is and wash it at home” as your husband’s already out the front door and half way to the car. Please tell me that I’m not the only person who has experienced this crazy comical situation!

Or worse, you forget your plate at your friend’s home. You’re not sure when you’ll see them again but you figure it would be soon, so you put off calling. Months go by and now you’re too embarrassed to call to ask for your plate back. What if they forgot they had it? Or worse, gave it to the Sally Ann because they couldn’t remember where it came from! To minimize this awkwardness, I once even spent $15 for a plate just to put my treats on. Yeah, that’s crazy! Never again!

Why are practical yet aesthetically pleasing containers so hard to find??

I’m aware that there are cheap options. The Dollar store is filled with them – from plastic plates to tacky-looking boxes; flimsy paper take out containers to clear cellophane bags. However, none of them conveyed the message I’m trying to get across when gifting my baking:

You’re special to me. I took the time to bake these treats just for you and your family. They’re made with love and come from my home to yours.

I scoured everywhere for the said containers. They didn’t exist! So, I started designing my own. And that’s my product!

A Solution Finally!

When I’m bringing treats to a friend, it’s a gift! I want that gift to look as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside. If you can relate to my experiences, you might just love my product as much as I do! I can’t wait to share my design with you!

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Until next time….



About Me

Karen Gordon

Hello there! I’m Karen. I started this blog when our daughter embarked on her university journey. Originally, my intention was to curate a collection of my cherished recipes, with the goal of eventually passing them down to her. However, life has a way of unfolding unexpectedly.

Presently, I find myself authoring a nationally syndicated recipe column, published bi-weekly, while also designing unique gift boxes. During my free time, I continue to bake, sharing my delectable treats with loved ones. I sincerely hope that you’ll find delight in exploring my recipes.

If the act of gifting food brings you joy, I invite you to explore my thoughtfully designed treat boxes. They are meticulously created to enhance the unboxing experience of baked goods.

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